1934 - 35

The Year

Senior Class President: Ford Barlow

Vice President: Marjorie Stohl

Secretary: Mary Woolf

Treasurer: Sam Thurman

Football and basketball programs were reinstated for the next year.

The annual Senior Luncheon mockingly presented itself as a funeral ceremony, presided over by the “Left Reverent Hyde Taylor Clayton.” Class poet Martha Ross offered a dirge, valedictorian Charlotte Knight gave a sermon, and Jeanne Hall and Mary Jones offered remarks, followed by commentary from Barrie Wanless and Ford Barlow. Helene Westlund performed “incidental music.” The main entrée was “roast leg of veal a la coffin.”

There were 25 graduates in the Judge Auditorium.

Valedictorian: Charlotte Knight

Class Poet: Martha Ross

Historian: Jeanne Hall

Prognosticator: Mary Jones.

Fellow graduates: Mary McQuaid, Alice Moffett, Elinor Wright, Josephine Sheets, Mary Frances Lightheiser, Helen Harrington, Helen DeBus, Mary Dugan, Walter Keating, Joseph Duffy, Bob Halavity, Ruben Myers, Frank Welsh, Bernard McEnany, John Neville, John Pelly, Byron Bennett, Hugh Conway, Leon Duffen, Jimmy Quish, Donny Cowburn, Chic Boner, Carl Davidson.

In 1986, Class of 1935 graduate Helen DeBus visited Salt Lake for the first time in 50 years. Then living in Portland, she stopped by Judge and later wrote a letter of thanks. She found “the gals who were working in the offices were tremendously helpful, so congenial.” Not finding a picture of her graduating class, in her letter she forwarded a copy of her photograph along with a fifth-grade picture. “The two dark skinned Sisters were Syrians as I remember exceptionally nice. The real unsung heroes were the Sisters of Charity, who ruled with an iron hand but we did learn. Boy, the sting of that ruler, that was enough. To sum it all up, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times, the Great Depression.”

Written by Mike Gorrell

Year by Year at Judge - Our Living History, was researched and written by Mike Gorrell, 1972 Judge Memorial alum and award-winning journalist who spent more than 44 years in the newspaper business, including the last 35 at The Salt Lake Tribune. A former teacher, John "Sonny" Tangaro, recruited Gorrell to help the Alumni Committee plan the school's Centennial Celebration. This project is his contribution, recapping what Judge Memorial's 12,000-plus graduates accomplished in their time as Bulldogs. 

Learn about the extensive process Gorrell used to produce the class summaries. If you look through a summary and know of details that are missing or have questions, please reach out to Gorrell. 

Learn about the process and contact Mike Gorrell »


1933 - 34


1935 - 36